
Friday, March 21

When Zion Travails

This weekend our youth will be attending their annual Disciple Now conference here at FFC with special guest Mike Curry. Please pray our students will discover and embrace the following truths this weekend:

They are fearfully and wonderfully made; they are an inheritance from the Lord; they are protected by angels; they are fathered from above; they are loved with an everlasting love; they are the temple of the Holy Spirit; they are free of condemnation; they are overcomers in Christ; they are set apart to do God’s will and to bring Him glory!

 In addition, Mike will be preaching on Sunday morning.  His message, “When Zion Travails,” will come out of what we know as the Olivet Discourse.  This was a message Jesus preached from the Mount of Olives, just east of Jerusalem, three days before he died on the cross.  He was speaking to a select group of disciples who had asked been asking questions about the destruction of the temple and the end of the age. In the twenty-seven verses that extend from Matthew 24:4-31, Jesus talks about the time period that falls between the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation and the Second Coming of Christ.  On Sunday, Mike will consider Matthew 24:8-14 where Jesus lists eight key signs that He likens to birth pains that will portend His coming.  Mike plans to focus on verse 14 where Jesus says,

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole earth as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

I hope to see you Sunday as we celebrate the happenings of DNow and hear a message from God’s Word that I will stir us to kingdom action. In faith, pastor jamie