November 24, 2023

As we’ve studied the short book of Haggai, we’ve been challenged to consider our ways – our priorities and perspectives. This week we will see the Lord’s desire to take us deeper into those things as we look our purity – the yielding of our heart that must be behind the actions of our hands.  To be sure, actions matter.  However, the motives behind our actions are what the Lord is after. Philippians 2:13 reminds us that God is at work in us both to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.  God is after our will – our “want to”.  He is after purified hearts that result in us having His priorities and His perspectives.

I hope that you will join us this week as we close our series in Haggai looking at the Lord who is after our “want to” and what happens when He gets it.

Learning with you to yield,
