December 27, 2024

Many songs about love have been written through the years.  One in particular from my early college days is “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” by Tina Turner.  It has a catchy tune, but if you read the words, it is a rather simplistic and cynical view of love based solely on feelings and emotions.  Unfortunately, I think that is at the heart of most love songs and our overall concept of love.

Jesus had an altogether different take on love.  Love, real love, has everything to do with it.  It has everything to do with experiencing joy and peace and sharing that joy and peace with others.  Love has everything to do with having a dynamic and intimate relationship with God and with others.  Jesus summarized the law and the prophets – all that was being communicated throughout the Old Testament in two phrases – love God and love people.  It’s just that simple, and just that difficult.

I hope that you will join us Sunday for a deeper look into 1 Corinthians 13.4-8a and consider the heart and character of true love.  As we close out 2024 and begin 2025, join me in asking Jesus where He wants to more fully express His true love in you and through you.

Learning to love with you,

Tiger Gordon