February 21, 2025
“A Root of Bitterness”
Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. — Hebrews 12:15
I appreciate Lou Priolo’s insight on bitterness in his book The Complete Husband:
Scripture likens bitterness to a root (Heb. 12:15). Roots have to be planted. So, what’s the seed that sprouts into a root of bitterness? It’s a hurt. When someone hurts you, it’s as if a seed has been dropped onto the soil of your heart. You can choose to respond in two ways: either pluck up the seed by forgiving your offender, or cultivate it by replaying the hurt over and over in your mind. Bitterness is the result of dwelling too long on a hurt; it’s the result of not truly forgiving the offender.
A few months ago, as I took personal inventory of my heart, God revealed a root of bitterness in me—one I didn’t even realize was there. In that season, He showed me something hard but true:
It is impossible to be right with God while holding on to bitterness.
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we turn our focus to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ—the One who sets us free from the sins that trip us up and the burdens that weigh us down.
Looking to Him,
pastor jamie