August 11, 2023

The Prayer Precedent

Week 2

Last week I had the privilege to examine the prayer Jesus prayed in Luke 22 on the Mount of Olives prior to his arrest and crucifixion.  As we unwrapped that passage, we found that Jesus prayed consistently, humbly, submissively, and fervently.  My prayer is that you and I both were encouraged and motivated to pray like Jesus in those ways and have worked to be obedient in praying more consistently, humbly, submissively, and fervently this week. 

This coming Sunday in week two of our mini-series The Prayer Precedent, I want to look at John 17.  As I have studied this passage of Scripture, I have come to believe this prayer that Jesus prayed is perhaps the most important of all the prayers we see Jesus pray in Scripture.  Jesus is standing at the doorway of his betrayal, still in the Upper Room with his disciples, and he prays four very important, transformative, and spiritually crucial things not just for His disciples, but for every believer who would come after them. 

I am praying fervently that you and your family will join us this coming Sunday.  I genuinely believe that this prayer we find in John 17 could be and SHOULD BE life-changing for someone, or more likely, for many this week.  I truly hope you can join us for what I believe will be a powerful morning.


Pastor Brandon