“Learning Humility”
If I had 30 days to live and I thought something was important to do in those last 30 days, wouldn’t it stand to reason that doing that thing would also be important if I had 300 days or 3000 days to live? I think so.
I know God wants to make a number of changes in my life, whether I have 30 days or 3000 days to live. As I pondered that thought, I realized how much the Bible has to say about humility. Humility is a BIG DEAL to God (James 4:6) and, conversely, God HATES pride (Proverbs 8:13).
In light of these truths, it seems like humility ought to be something every follower of Jesus should prioritize right now. To help us in that pursuit, I will pose two simple questions in my message this coming Sunday: What is humility? How is humility attained? In this pursuit, we’ll be considering lessons to be learned from King Hezekiah who lives seven centuries before Jesus was born. His story can be found in 2 Chronicles 29-32.
I hope you are able to join us this Sunday for the third message in our present series – One Month to Live. We’ll also have the opportunity to hear a report from our Romania Mission Team.
Still learning,
pastor jamie