March 31, 2023
“The Conduct of the Mature in Christ”
I hope you’ve had a good week and can point to some concrete ways in which God has matured you in Christ. I continue to rejoice in the wonderful time we had last week at our men’s conference. To God be the glory for the lives impacted and encouraged by Dan Meer’s testimony and message.
This coming week I intend to return to Colossians 1:28 where Paul writes these words, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
Two weeks ago we looked at four characteristics of those who are mature in Christ. This Sunday we’re going to focus on three ways in which the mature in Christ conduct themselves. I hope you can join us as we gather to grow in our faith, spur one another on in Chrustlikeness, and glorify God.
Growing in Him,
pastor jamie