November 22, 2019

“The Resurrection: Its Primacy, its Purpose, its Power”

This coming Sunday we’ll consider the sixth line of the Apostles’ Creed: On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. I have truly enjoyed the past six weeks as we’ve worked our way through the first half of the Apostles’ Creed.  After Sunday, we’ll lay this series down until sometime later in 2020 when we intend to finish it. The resurrection of Jesus changes everything!  Because of this, Sunday’s message will focus on three things about the resurrection we really need to know.  First, its primacy to the Christian faith, for without the resurrection there is no Christianity.  Second, its purpose in the eternal and unfolding plan of God and, finally, its power to be displayed in the daily walk of every believer. I look forward to seeing on Sunday as we unpack this truth that is central to our faith! Alive in Him, pastor jamie