November 27, 2020

“Hope that Overcomes”

Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all known discouragement. We’ve all been overwhelmed. We’ve all been slapped by setback and laid low by loss and grief. Some, who are truly honest, have even experienced the heaviness of depression.

So, where are we turn? Where can we find a hope that overcomes?

On Sunday, we’re going to take short journey through Psalm 77.  It’s a psalm of lament written by Asaph, who was one of Israel’s greatest worship leaders. Interestingly, Asaph wrote this psalm while in a season of discouragement and depression. I hope you’ll read it a couple of times before Sunday.

In seeking a hope that overcomes, Asaph did three things.

  1. He cried out in his darkness.
  2. He redirected his thoughts.
  3. He magnified God.

In doing those three things, Asaph’s problems began to shrink and his God began to grow.

I hope you can join us online this Sunday at 10 AM. Reach out to a friend and invite them to go to church with you.

With a hope that overcomes,

pastor jamie