November 5, 2021

The Marriage of Faith and Science

Last week Pastor Jamie spoke about God’s vision for marriage, and our church just hosted the XO Marriage Conference.  It made me think about faith and science and the similarities to a marriage.  As in any marriage, there are points on which we agree and differ.  Sometimes polar opposites are drawn together and with God’s grace, love, insight, and wisdom we learn to live harmoniously together.  The same is true regarding faith and science. Certainly, there are points of difference. However, there are many points of intersection.  As I’m growing as a follower of Jesus, I celebrate the intersections while learning to embrace the tension in the differences.

During my college days, I fell in love with Jesus and chemistry, and I’m so grateful that the Lord has so faithfully surrounded me with friends, teachers, colleagues, and mentors who were and are both scientists and Christians.  So, I must disagree when I hear statements regarding the incompatibility of science and faith.  I’ve seen these individuals live out both extraordinarily well.

Our topic this Sunday is, “How do you see the world?” I hope that you will join us as we look at both Biblical and scientific support that have led me and other scientists to see the world as created and sustained by the almighty and loving God of the Bible.

Journeying with you,
