October 1, 2021

“Empowered to the End”

I hope you’re enjoying our current series as much as I am.

Last Sunday, Brent Doolin helped us better see how the Holy Spirit wants to EMPOWER us to be witnesses in this world.  Witnesses who boldly share the Good News of Jesus with all those God brings across our path.

This coming Sunday, I’ll be working out of Acts 2:14-21. It’s here we see God empowering His people to be effective ministers to the end. The end of what you may ask?  The end of the world!

I don’t know about you but I find it easy to get discouraged as I look at the world around me. At times I wonder if the church, even ours, is really making a difference. As I was I was wrestling with those thoughts last week, I began studying Acts 2:14-21. It was there and then that God met me and encouraged me deeply.

I hope you can join us in-person or online for this next message in our series – EMPOWERED!

More than encouraged,

pastor jamie