September 1, 2023

In Spirit and In Truth

Confession – An Act of Worship

There is a story about the war hero Sam Houston.  At one time in his life, he was called “The Old Drunk” because he stayed drunk most of the time.  He later moved to Texas where he became the hero of Texas history in the Texas Revolution and became known for his battle cry, “Remember the Alamo!” while fighting for Texas’s independence.  After the war, it is told that he surrendered his life to Christ, but still carried with him some of his old habits.  It’s said that one day along a trail his horse stumbled, and Houston spontaneously cursed, reverting back to his habit of cussing.  He immediately got off his horse, knelt down there on the trail, and cried out to God for forgiveness.  Houston had already established a relationship with Christ, but through the stumbling of his horse, God was teaching him what it meant to pursue him with his every waking moment. 

As we wrap up our series “In Spirit and In Truth”, I want to spend some time with you this coming Sunday examining an often-overlooked aspect of worship.  It is in Psalm 51 where we find David writing a song of confession soon after his sinful encounter with Bathsheba and her husband Uriah.  It is here, among other places, where we find the importance of confession as an act of worship. 

I pray that you can join us this coming Sunday.  Remember that we go back to our two service times at 8:30 and 10:00 am this week.  This has been a great series and it has been a great time of worship together.  I am excited and expectant for the Lord to move among us again this week.


Pastor Brandon