September 25, 2020

“Ready or Not”

Over Sunday dinner, a family was discussing their pastor’s sermon on the Second Coming of Christ. The teenage boy announced that he still had a lot of questions about the Lord’s return. The boy’s father tried to answer his questions but concluded by saying, “We don’t have all the answers we might like, but we do have all we need to know.” He went on the add, “The best preparation is simply to live each day as if it were your last.”I tried that once,” the teenager responded, “and you grounded me for a month!”

This coming Sunday, I’ll be focusing on the next phrase in the Apostles’ Creed – “…from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.”

My message on Sunday will come out of Matthew 25:31-46 and will focus of five truths surrounding the coming judgment of Jesus Christ. I will also focus on a simple question of application – How would we live today if we truly took this passage to heart?

I hope you can join us in person at either 8:30 AM or 10:00 AM or online via Facebook or our webpage.

Awaiting His return,

pastor jamie