September 8, 2023

“Get Out of Your Rut”

Someone once said that a rut is nothing more than a grave with the ends kicked out.

Everyone, from time to time, finds themselves in a rut. Ruts can be physical, relational, emotional, or spiritually in nature. On Sunday I plan to share five principles, from Mark 10:46-52, that can help us get out of our ruts.

For Sunday’s message I’ll be using this as a definition:

A rut is an activity or pattern in our lives that is not in accordance with God’s will.

I came across a list of seven signs that might tell you you’re in a rut. You might be in a rut if…

  • – Things that once brought you joy don’t anymore.
  • – Your creative inspiration has dried up.
  • – Completing even small tasks seems impossible.
  • – A positive perspective is difficult to maintain.
  • – You’ve become jealous of others and their accomplishments.
  • – Your mental and emotional health is suffering.
  • – You’ve started to avoid others and withdraw from life.

Remember this Sunday is “Bring a Friend Sunday.” Also note that at the 10 am service we’ll celebrate Paul Wilson’s baptism. Later that day, from 4 to 8 pm, our church family will gather for a night of food, fellowship, and fun at Midway Golf and Games.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday,

pastor jamie