In this Message, Pastor Mike Curry will be asking, “What robs revival from God’s people?” Mike will use Mark 4:14-20 as his text, while focusing, primarily, on verse 19.
In this message, Pastor Jamie speaks on revival, revealing that revival is not for the lost, but for those who already belong to His family—those who are called by His name.
In this message, Pastor Jamie shows us how Character is the strength of moral fiber. On the other hand, he also shows us how a lack of character, leads to dishonesty, selfishness, and unethical behavior.
Join us in this message as Pastor Jamie explores four positive results of sound doctrine and how we, as followers of Jesus, can develop it as a guiding foundation for our lives.
In this message, Pastor Jamie shows how it is impossible to be right with God while holding on to bitterness, urging us to turn our focus to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ—the One who sets us free from the sins that trip us up and the burdens that weigh us down
In this message, we explore how God gives us an assignment, urging us to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity, reflecting on Ephesians 5:15-17