Latest Sermons

Below are some of the latest sermons.

Visible Faith

Pastor Jamie shares characteristics of faith that Jesus exemplified, and asks us: do we demonstrate these?
Luke 5:17-26, 1 Corinthians 15:58
December 26, 2021 by Jamie Page

Home For Christmas

Watch our special Christmas service in which we celebrate the coming of Christ by sharing family traditions, words from missionaries, music, and some special guests!
Luke 2:1-20
December 19, 2021 by Jamie Page

I Have Learned the Secret

Pastor Jamie teaches about the topic of contentment, sharing how Paul discovered how to experience the fullness of God in every situation.
Philippians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 4:11, 2 Corinthians 6:10
December 12, 2021 by Jamie Page

Spend Less: A Test For Your Treasure

Pastor Brandon speaks about the value of giving and reminds us that generosity is an integral part of the Christmas season.
Luke 12:13-21, Luke 12:31-34
December 5, 2021 by Brandon Friebe

Worship Fully

Josiah teaches from Romans 12, discussing what it means to worship fully, why we should, and what happens when we do.
Romans 12, Romans 11:36, Philippians 4:8, John 13:35
November 28, 2021 by Josiah Kee

Asking A New Question

Pastor Jamie teaches us to, in the midst of adverse situations, ask the question: what good does God want to come out of these scenarios?
John 10:10, John 16:33, Psalm 25:16, Psalm 143:8, Psalm 34:18-19, Isaiah 43:2, Isaiah 43:4
November 21, 2021 by Jamie Page

Spiritual Hunger

Our CMU Navigators director, Brooke Knoble, shares her testimony and teaches how God nourishes us in our walks of faith.
Psalm 63
November 14, 2021 by Brooke Knoble

The Marriage of Faith and Science

Dr. Tiger Gordon shares his testimony of being a chemist and a creationist, giving insight into how we can study and adhere to the two simultaneously.
November 7, 2021 by Tiger Gordon

A Tale of Two Visions

Pastor Jamie discusses the dangers of husbands and wives having different trajectories in life, and gives insight into how to be united together in pursuit of Christ.
Provers 5:18-19, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, 1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:21-25a, Ecclesiastes 5:4, Amos 3:3
October 31, 2021 by Jamie Page

Empowered to be Courageous

Pastor Brandon continues our series on the book of Acts, sharing how the Holy Spirit gives us boldness and strength in our pursuit of knowing Christ and making Him known.
Acts 4:1-31
Series: Empowered
October 24, 2021 by Brandon Friebe