Latest Sermons

Below are some of the latest sermons.

It’s Tempting

Dr. Tiger Gordon preaches about three types of temptation we face and how we can avoid following them into sin.
Matthew 4:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17, Philippians 4:8
August 8, 2021 by Tiger Gordon

Are You Different?

Pastor Brandon delivers the final message in our spiritual maturity series, discussing how to love our enemies.
Leviticus 24:19-22, 1 Corinthians 13:1, Romans 5:10, 2 Timothy 3:12
August 1, 2021 by Brandon Friebe

Overcoming Lust

Pastor Jamie delivers the third message from our series about spiritual maturity, discussing the sin of lust and how to combat it.
James 1:14-16, Matthew 5:29b, 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Timothy 5:2, Matthew 22:37-38, Romans 6:14
July 25, 2021 by Jamie Page

Spiritual Maturity and Anger

Pastor Dan continues our series focused on spiritual maturity, discussing anger.
Matthew 21:12-13, Romans 8:29, Mark 3:5
July 18, 2021 by Dan Faust

The Bible: Rulebook or More?

Dr. Tiger Gordon starts our series about spiritual maturity, discussing the space scripture should occupy in the lives of believers.
Matthew 5:17-20
July 11, 2021 by Tiger Gordon

That Which God Anoints

Pastor Jamie teaches about anointment: what it means, to whom it has been given, and what it means for believers.
Exodus 30:22-25
July 4, 2021 by Jamie Page

Good News is For Sharing

Brent Doolin preaches about the Gospel and explains the importance of sharing it with those who have not heard it.
Romans 8:1, Romans 12:9, Romans 15:13, Philippians 2:3, Hebrews 10:26-27
June 27, 2021 by Brent Doolin

A Question Of Obedience

Pastor Jamie discusses the relationship between allowing God to have lordship over one's life and the obedience that ensues.
Luke 6:46-49
June 20, 2021 by Jamie Page

Dr. Ronald Kaluya: UCSS Update

Dr. Ronald, founder and director of Uganda Counseling and Support Services, and Rachel Briner, Student Sponsorship Coordinator, give an update on what the Lord has been doing in Africa.
June 13, 2021 by Ronald Kaluya

Real Rest

Pastor Brandon teaches us what it truly means to rest and observe the Sabbath.
Exodus 16:25-30
June 6, 2021 by Brandon Friebe