
Seven Lessons about Sowing and Reaping

Pastor Jamie concludes our Galatians sermon series, discussing what chapter 6 has to say about harvesting what we plant.
Galatians 6:7-10
Series: Galatians
October 29, 2023 by Jamie Page

What Is That In Your Hands?

Using the story of Moses and the staff, Jamie asks us how God might be calling us to use that which we currently possess.
Exodus 4:1-5
July 30, 2023 by Jamie Page

Living the Dash of Your Life

Pastor Jamie kicks off our series based on the book One Month To Live, prompting us to think about how we spend the time we are given on Earth.
Psalm 90:12, 2 Corinthians 6:1, Revelation 21:1-7, Romans 8:29, John 14:6, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18
June 4, 2023 by Jamie Page

Sent by the Risen Christ

Pastor Jamie delivers our Easter morning service, discussing four words connected to our calling: peace, purpose, power, and proclamation.
John 20:19-23
April 9, 2023 by Jamie Page

Try A Little Kindness

Pastor Jamie teaches from the story of the Good Samaritan, sharing how we can practically treat everyone around us in a Christlike manner.
Luke 10:25-37
February 12, 2023 by Jamie Page

Leaving Your Comfort Zone: God’s Encounter with Gideon

Pastor Dan concludes our series on following God's calling, teaching from the story of Gideon.
Judges 6
January 22, 2023 by Dan Faust

Leaving Your Comfort Zone: When Opportunity Knocks

Pastor Brandon starts our new "Leaving Your Comfort Zone" series, sharing four things the book of Esther teaches us about stewarding opportunities.
Esther 2:5-8, Esther 2:10, Esther 4:8, Esther 4:13-14, Esther 4:11, Esther 5:1-3
January 8, 2023 by Brandon Friebe

The Cast of Christmas: The Innkeeper

Pastor Jamie concludes our Advent series by focusing on the innkeeper and asks us the question: is there room in your heart?
Luke 2:1-7
December 25, 2022 by Jamie Page

Empowered to be Authentic

Pastor Brandon continues our series on the book of Acts, sharing four marks of an authentic believer.
Acts 4:32-5:11
Series: Empowered
October 30, 2022 by Brandon Friebe

Empowered to Boldly Witness

Pastor Jamie brings us back to our series on the book of Acts, sharing how we have been given the authority, responsibility, and power to proclaim the gospel with confidence.
Acts 4:23-31
Series: Empowered
October 23, 2022 by Jamie Page