
Empowered to Face Opposition

Pastor Jamie continues our series on the book of Acts, discussing how the apostles dealt with the struggles they faced as they shared the Gospel.
Acts 5:17-42
Series: Empowered
November 6, 2022 by Jamie Page

Learning to Live in God’s Rest

Jamie continues our I Will series, further discussing the rest God offers and instructing how to experience it.
Matthew 11:29-30
Series: I Will...
July 18, 2022 by Jamie Page

I Will Come and Get You

Continuing our I Will series, Jamie discusses the fact that Jesus will come again and take us with Him into Glory.
John 14:1-3
Series: I Will...
July 3, 2022 by Jamie Page

Celebrate Recovery Sunday

This Sunday, we share the heart behind Celebrate Recovery at Faith Family and hear personal testimony from member Ken Stegner.
June 5, 2022 by Ken Stegner

The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

Out of Nehemiah 8, Pastor Jamie preaches about the role joy plays in our walk with Christ.
Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 51:12, Psalm 16:11, Psalm 32:1-2, Psalm 119:111, Philippians 1:3-5
Series: Rebuild
May 29, 2022 by Jamie Page

Prevailing Against Satan’s Opposition

Pastor Jamie concludes our series on Nehemiah, identifying four tactics the enemy employs and how to combat them.
Nehemiah 4
Series: Rebuild
May 22, 2022 by Jamie Page

The Work is Not Finished

Pastor Brandon continues our Rebuild series on the book of Nehemiah, discussing the commitment and discipline that are required in us to maintain our spiritual growth.
Nehemiah 6
Series: Rebuild
May 15, 2022 by Brandon Friebe

Actively Waiting

Dr. Tiger Gordon delivers the second installment of our "Rebuild" series, discussing how Nehemiah sought the Lord not passively, but deliberately, and teaches how we can apply this intentionality to our lives.
Nehemiah 2
Series: Rebuild
May 1, 2022 by Tiger Gordon

The Marks of Patience and Prayer

Brent Doolin continues our series on the book of James, discussing how our prayer lives point to the depths of our spiritual maturity.
James 5
February 27, 2022 by Brent Doolin

The Mark of Joy

Pastor Jamie kicks off our Marks of Maturity series out of the book of James, discussing how joyfulness is an indicator of spiritual maturity.
James 1:2-4
January 30, 2022 by Jamie Page