Latest Sermons

Below are some of the latest sermons.

Your Kingdom Come

Pastor Jamie closes out The Lord's Prayer series with a powerful and inspiring message on the phrase "Your Kingdom Come".
Matthew 6:9-13
May 19, 2019 by Jamie Page

Hallowed Be Your Name

In week two of a sermon series called The Lord's Prayer, Pastor Jamie examines the phrase "Hallowed Be Your Name" and really digs deep into its meaning and how we live life from that posture.
May 12, 2019 by Jamie Page

Our Father . . .

Pastor Jamie begins our new series The Lord's Prayer with a look at how we are told we should pray and the invitation we have received to to cry out to Our Father.
Matthew 6:5-13
May 5, 2019 by Jamie Page

Jesus in the Darkness

Tiger Gordon continues our Journey with John series addressing the very important topic of how Jesus can move in our seasons of darkness.
John 20:11-29
April 28, 2019 by Jamie Page

Fully Devoted

Pastor Jamie looks at the story of the triumphal entry and examines what it takes to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.
Luke 19:28-44
Series: , Misc.
April 14, 2019 by Jamie Page

Risky Business

During the 10th Anniversary Celebration of our Navs@CMU ministry, Pastor Max Holmes delivers an empowering message on what it looks like to take a risk for the Lord.
Genesis 12:1-9
Series: , Special Guest
April 7, 2019 by Max Holmes

Taking Jesus to a Thirsty World

Mr. Brent Doolin shares a very thought provoking message about sharing Jesus in the every day moments of our lives.
John 4:7-42
March 31, 2019 by Brent Doolin

Combatting the Competitive Spirit

As we continue in our Journey with John series, Pastor Jamie deals with the very relevant and uncomfortable topic of Combatting the Competitive Spirit.
John 3:22-36
March 24, 2019 by Jamie Page

Getting From Fayette to Heaven

Pastor Jamie delivers a powerful reminder of the love Jesus had for us and the price He was willing to pay to save us.
John 3:1-31
March 17, 2019 by Jamie Page

Journey with John – When Worship Goes Wrong

In our series Journey with John, Pastor Brandon delivers a challenging message on the topic of real worship by looking at a story from John 2.
John 2:13-22
March 10, 2019 by Brandon Friebe