
What to do with the Rain

Pastor Brandon takes in in-depth look at Noah and what it was that landed him the title of A Hero of Faith. The answer to that question begins with asking, "What did Noah do with the rain?"
Genesis 6-8, Hebrews 11:33-34
August 4, 2019 by Brandon Friebe

Rescue at Sea

In this week’s message, “Rescue at Sea” we’ll learn how Jesus guides and protects us when we find ourselves in a dark and frightening storm.
John 6:16-21
July 14, 2019 by Jamie Page

More Than Enough

Pastor Jamie reminds us of the incredible truth that despite the size of what we bring to the table, it always carries great significance and that God is always More Than Enough.
John 6:1-15
July 7, 2019 by Jamie Page

Jesus in the Darkness

Tiger Gordon continues our Journey with John series addressing the very important topic of how Jesus can move in our seasons of darkness.
John 20:11-29
April 28, 2019 by Jamie Page

Fully Devoted

Pastor Jamie looks at the story of the triumphal entry and examines what it takes to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.
Luke 19:28-44
Series: , Misc.
April 14, 2019 by Jamie Page

Taking Jesus to a Thirsty World

Mr. Brent Doolin shares a very thought provoking message about sharing Jesus in the every day moments of our lives.
John 4:7-42
March 31, 2019 by Brent Doolin

Journey with John – The Five Who Followed

Pastor Jamie continues our Journey with John series with a powerful message looking at the five who followed Jesus in the first chapter of John.
John 1:35-51
February 24, 2019 by Jamie Page

The Weapon of Worship

Pastor Brandon digs into the story found in 2 Chronicles 20 and discusses worship and how it can be used to fight spiritual battles.
2 Chronicles 20:1-21
December 9, 2018 by Brandon Friebe

Claiming Our Mountain

Pastor Dan continues our Journey with Joshua series with a message that provides a great reminder about the inheritance that is ours as children of God.
Joshua 14
October 28, 2018 by Dan Faust

Regaining Lost Ground

In week four of our series Journey with Joshua, Pastor Brandon delivers an encouraging message on how to regain lost ground
Joshua 8
October 7, 2018 by Brandon Friebe