May 31, 2024
A Question of Perspective
On Sunday we’ll continue our series, God’s Songbook, as we turn our attention to Psalm 73.
Psalm 73 was written by a man named, Asaph, who was a worship leader during the time of King David. In this psalm, Asaph, a well-known religious leader, tells how almost lost his faith in God.
Looking at the world around him, Asaph grew bitter over the unfairness of life. He watched the wicked prosper while the righteous struggled. Asaph wanted to know why God allowed the wicked to live trouble-free lives instead of immediately judging them. I must confess there are times I’ve asked the same question.
In the course of the psalm, Asaph describes an approach he took that made matters worse, but then points out the one step he took that immediately changed his perspective and helped him to move forward with renewed faith and hope.
Psalm 73 offers all of us insight, instruction, and hope as we seek to navigate a world that is at times unfair. I hope you can be with us on Sunday as we unpack the truths God has for us in this timeless psalm from God’s songbook.
With renewed hope,
pastor jamie