Latest Sermons

Below are some of the latest sermons.

User-Friendly Faith

When something is “user-friendly” it’s intuitive, meaning you can simply feel your way through to figuring it out. So, Pastor Jamie investigates a spiritual question – is following Jesus supposed to “user-friendly?” Can we just “feel” our way along as followers of Jesus?
John 6:60-71
July 28, 2019 by Jamie Page

You Are What You Eat

Pastor Brandon provides a great reminder in his message "You Are What You Eat" that the provisions are never greater than The Provider as we continue our sermon series Journey with John.
John 6:22-59
July 21, 2019 by Brandon Friebe

Rescue at Sea

In this week’s message, “Rescue at Sea” we’ll learn how Jesus guides and protects us when we find ourselves in a dark and frightening storm.
John 6:16-21
July 14, 2019 by Jamie Page

The Revelation of Jesus

Missionary Ryan Shaw continues our Journey with John series with a look at The Revelation of Jesus.
June 30, 2019 by Ryan Shaw

More Than Enough

Pastor Jamie reminds us of the incredible truth that despite the size of what we bring to the table, it always carries great significance and that God is always More Than Enough.
John 6:1-15
July 7, 2019 by Jamie Page

When Everything Changes

Pastor Brandon steps back into our Journey with John series with a message taking a look at the journey leading to a more mature faith.
John 4:43-54
June 23, 2019 by Brandon Friebe

A Father’s Blessing

Pastor Jamie delivers an encouraging message to all parents on how they can be a blessing to their children.
Genesis 49:1-28
Series: , Misc.
June 16, 2019 by Jamie Page

Where Are You?

Celebrate Recovery Pastor Dan Faust closes out our series titled That's A Great Question with a powerful message about God's love for us.
June 9, 2019 by Dan Faust

Do You Love Me?

In week two of our series That's a Great Question, Pastor Jamie looks at the question Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?"
John 21:15-17
June 2, 2019 by Jamie Page

Did God Really Say?

Navs@CMU Pastor Clayton Kreisel kicks off a brand new Faith Family series called That's a Great Question with a look at the story of Adam and Eve and a question they received.
Genesis 3:1-7
May 26, 2019 by Clayton Kreisel